

this morning i was waiting in line at ANZ Bank (represent) - actually i'm with St George but it was for the boss - and of course there's this massive painful line. i spot the lone chair behind the last person waiting, but before the watercooler, and sit down, praising the accountant who had the most useful brainwave of his life for putting a chair in the vicinity of a waiting area. genius. and then i spot at the front of the line a mother with a pram, and a little boy sitting in it. he looks pretty capable to be walking and everything but whatever, who am i to say when a child leaves the pram? nobody. now for those of you who don't know that little bit too much about me, which crosses the line from charming to slightly unhinged, you won't know that i love little boys. not in that way. i could spend hours just observing them. not in that way. when i have children, if i don't get a boy, i'm just gonna keep poppin' em out til i get the jackpot. yeah i'm one of those people. there's just something about little boys, over little girls - frankly i think they're spoilt brats. can't believe i used to be one.

so he's facing the opposite way, and he turns his head around the side of the pram, down the line, and gives me the most adorable face i think i've ever seen.
now i feel it necessary to point out that i was hungover, and probably still am, because for someone to make any type of vague hint at a joke, in my state, i will fall into bounds of laughter, like a giggling machine, ok. that or i'll feel like throwing up. so i am just completely thrilled by this point that someone else feels the same way i do.

so i start a game of peek-a-boo with him, and he plays along, laughing and giggling everytime he peeks around finding me looking out for him. we're having the time of our lives, and of course everyone waiting in line pretends to ignore us like the children we are, but we're too busy having fun. he is such a genuinely gorgeous boy.

then his mother says "Come on Christian" and my heart sinks.

as she wheels him away, he gives me the cutest wave goodbye, and i wave back.
and just like that, Christian made my day!

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