
come inside

my best friend Mitch makes me laugh. so when he asked me if he could interview me for his blog i laughed so hard, and it made me think about how i don't laugh enough.
that last bit's a lie.
lies and slander.
i did it after i had to rattle my brain like a piggy bank with one dollar left inside. for me, that dollar symbolises everything i know about myself, the stuff i regularly think about, but never actually express. in a formal manner anyway. i'm always carrying on like a colloquial banshee to select friends about what i want and what i'm gonna do to get it.

trembling ordeals ensue when i have to write this down, because let's face it i'm pretty un-self when it comes to staring at myself in the metaphorical mirror. that's why i love it when i get feedback from others. yes! great! continue! it's like christmas, without the obvious lipstick marks on the half eaten cookies. exactly like that. i like to look at others, whether they look to me while i'm doing this is their prerogative.
i feel too strong to look at myself, frankly.
and as Mitch and many others know, i can be shy at first, but its because i respect myself enough not to give it all up-front from the words ready and set.
better to let them come in by their own will.
here's that interview.

1 comment:

  1. WE finally got the interview up and I must say the answers were fantastic! What a pair we make!

    Stay Stylish

    Mitch. S xx
